Environmental pollution is one of the main risk factors associated with mining. Often, this hazard comes from tailings dams. Tailings contain harmful substances and heavy metals that can cause pollution of surface water and atmospheric air, as well as contamination of underground aquifers through infiltration.
In this connection, after completion of the phase of active operation of tailings ponds there is a need of special closure works. Closure works should be aimed at ensuring safety of tailings ponds, prevention of pollutant removal and dusting.
Our team has developed a project for closure of the tailings storage facility №1 of Almalik MMC. The main objective of the project was to maintain the facility in a safe, stable condition without the risk of environmental pollution, with minimal maintenance requirements. The qualified engineers of ALTERRA TEAMS LLC, basing on their knowledge and relevant design skills, have developed all the necessary design solutions for closing the tailings dam, taking into account the geotechnical stability of the dam and the beach, as well as pollution control. Special attention was given to the creation of sustainable ecosystems with re-vegetation and introduction of biodiversity similar to which existed in the area prior to construction of the project.
Our specialists conducted a detailed study of the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the tailings material to determine the possibility of restoring vegetation cover. Based on a comprehensive analysis, for the implementation of the project “Closure of the tailings storage facility №1 SC “Almalik MMC”, we selected the option of direct recultivation of the tailings dump, and developed the necessary measures to create vegetation cover on the top of the tailings deposit, preventing the removal of pollutants.
During the implementation of this project, a full range of engineering and environmental measures for the closure of the tailings storage facility were developed, and recommendations were given on monitoring of the tailings storage facility condition after its closure.